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Old 02-10-2011, 09:19 AM
cnewtonne cnewtonne is online now
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Join Date: 07-27-2006
Posts: 534
How To Search Based On Order Of Words In A Sentence?

My urd db has FTS enabled. I'm trying to search based on the order of words e.g.
1) Item 1 text contains "my name is cnewtonne".
2) Item 2 text contains "cnewtonne is my name"

I want to search so that it only returns the item where "cnewtonne" APPEARS AFTER "name"

I tried the following search phrases, but none worked ...

- name NEAR cewntonne: returns both.
- name .* cnewtonne: both
- "name is cnewtonne": returns first, but I can not always tell what and how many words are between 'name' and 'cnewtonne'
- Also, for the search work NEAR, how near is near?

Thank you.
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