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Old 02-16-2011, 02:56 PM
c&b c&b is online now
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Join Date: 02-06-2011
Posts: 9
Problems when pasting an image into an info item

Still evaluating UR, getting more and more impressed, but I'm experiencing one thing that seems to be a bug:

Quite often I would want to paste an image from the clipboard into UR, typically screen-shots of error-messages, together with description of the message and (hopefully) a solution. When I try to paste the screenshot into the info item (of type Text), the image appears, but then the info item becomes "insensitive", i.e. when I click in it I don't get a cursor and can't write anything (all other objects/panes seems to work OK). I cannot scroll the document either. If i undo the paste with Ctrl+Z the image disappears, but the document is still insensitive. If I then delete the document and insert a new one, it's seems to work again, but when I try to save it, I get an access violation error and have to restart the application.

Anyone else experienced this? I run UR on Windows Vista.
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