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Old 02-18-2011, 08:54 AM
ashwken ashwken is offline
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Originally posted by c&b
OK, thanks, I upgraded to version v14.0.4750.1000, and now I am able to paste images, as long as they are not to big. If I paste an image of the full screen, the image appears and disappeares, and a big white box takes it's place. If I crop the picture in Paint first it works fine. It'll do.
If you're taking the time to drop the image into an image app why not just Save it to a file, then Move it to UR as a Stored Document Item. If you need the ability to add notations you could create a user Template based on Document and assign a Form that contains an Attribute for Notes and give the Attribute a multi-line value in the Form.

This would allow you to preserve the orignal image without cropping or scaling, but removes the layout capabilities of rtf.
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