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Old 02-24-2011, 06:22 PM
schferk schferk is online now
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Join Date: 11-02-2010
Posts: 151
Oh, I see, thank you very much. In the meantime, I discovered another bug which probably has also been fixed: I assign the ("user-defined") keyword "net" to some items, in order to have a to-do-list for (grouped) net research, and in the same way, "print" in order to print various items in a row when at the office. Well, ALL my items are "found" as "matching" results... my cross on "search only user-defined keywords" notwithstanding...

BTW, UR's cloning feature being such a marvel, keywords ain't that necessary in general, but I'm trying them for "to do's", whereas cloning, in this scenario, is for things belonging permanently into two or more categories... but then, for the time being, for a to-do, whilst the keyword ASSIGNMENT is faster than cloning into another (= to do) category, the REMOVAL of a (not needed anymore) clone is faster than that of a (not needed anymore) keyword: So I'm in doubt as to whether even for to-do's, cloning's not perhaps the better way...

But, again and again, UR's cloning feature is outstanding and sheer joy to put in use.
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