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Old 02-25-2011, 01:44 PM
schferk schferk is online now
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Join Date: 11-02-2010
Posts: 151
I just replaced my free (!) 5.3 version by the newest 6.7 trial (!)version (= of course, the trial overwrote the free version...), in vain: The problem persists. Please check since FS Capture 6.7 is, by any other account, a very fast (!), reliable, not overpriced and by this recommendable screen capture utility that's perfect for such tasks in which there's no processing of the pictures but just importing screen parts / rectangles of web sites into your outliner, so it would be an absolute pity to not being able to use it with UR, any other screen capture utility I tested (= about 6 or 8) being bloatware and / or slow(poke)ware.

But it's proved now that the incompatibility (?) isn't caused by FS Capture's 5.3 being old some years.
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