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Old 02-26-2011, 08:51 AM
schferk schferk is online now
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Join Date: 11-02-2010
Posts: 151
Quant and kinook, thank you very much for your help. Indeed, I had searched the help file for jpg, .jpg and even "rtf editor", but to no avail, and then did not remember in time I had indeed read something about different MS rtf editors integrated in UR long ago in the forum.

So, I searched, with FreeCommander (Alt-F7 there), for any riched20.dll in my system, and discovered that the one in my UR directory was identical to the one I have in my directory c:\programs\microsoftshared\office12, from 2008, whereas I also have another rather recent one in ...\office11, from 2007.

So I replaced the office12 one by the office11 one, and the problem has gone: so thank you very much again!

BTW, I did not want to say the screen capture industry standard needs about 10 seconds just to copy a tiny rectangle into the clipboard, but it takes endless time for copying a scrolling window into it, even if that is only one screen and a half long, and indeed FS Capture does this in a tenth or a twentieth of that time, thus FS Capture is highly recommended, and I am happy it works with UR now like a charm!
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