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Old 03-07-2011, 01:08 PM
Nobodo Nobodo is online now
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Export tree of rich text items as HTML

UR 4.2a Pro on Windows 7 Ultimate.

I have a tree that consists only of rich text items.
I choose a node, export, 'Documents and item rich text to HTML'.
In the next dialog I choose 'Export child items (recursive)' and choose a folder under 'My documents' for the export.

If I then open the resulting index.html in a browser, I get a frameset with the tree on the left and the current document on the right (see image).

The problems (tested in IE, FireFox, Chrome):

1 - Only the first level of child items can be accessed through the 'tree' on the left. Each of the child items (CardOrAccountInfo, Website, etc.) has many children (and grandchildren) but none can be accessed.

2 - There is no expanding or collapsing of the visible items, even though the text above indicates that is done by clicking on a parent item. Example: I click on 'PAT Code' and nothing expands/collapses. I click on 'Website' and nothing expands.

3 - Since the grandchild items were not displaying, I tried including internal links in the parent items to the child items (see image). The internal links work in UR, but on the webpage it returns an error that the link needs to be associated with an application. Looking at the html of the page, the link looks like a href="ur:///?item=1106,1027,1006,1000"

Now when I dig down in the folder structure (under Export_StoredContent) I actually see webpages for all the grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.

Can somebody help with what is going on here?
I tried following the instructions in the FAQ "Exporting UR tree, documents and text to HTML", but all I ended up with was empty webpages. That FAQ seems to be for an earlier version of UR (perhaps before an HTML export option was added?).

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