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Old 03-09-2011, 02:05 PM
wordmuse wordmuse is online now
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Posts: 482
I think I must not be communicating well today. Or perhaps I am and just not getting it. Either way, I'll try once more and let it rest. I view this as a "nice to have" rather than a must have like hoisting.

Suppose there was a GLOBAL way to tell URP - if attribute-x is toggled yes, ignore this item in ALL SEARCHES. I wouldn't have to set up a search to include a attribute-x = yes parameter. URP would just know to ignore all items so toggled when it came to searches - period.

You might even have a checkbox in the advanced search area that says Override Attribute-x.

I see this as quite different than setting up individual searches, whether simple or not, that includes a user-entered parameter of "not attribute-x."

OK - that's it for me on this one. I'm pleased with URP as it is currently configured and look forward to the advances shown on the roadmap.

Thanks for your time.

- Bal
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