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Old 03-25-2011, 09:50 AM
Deon Deon is online now
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Join Date: 03-25-2011
Posts: 3
Post compiling to any cpu not working

I'm trying to build to any cpu but the 32 bit flag is still set on the resulting dll. If I build just through VS2005 then the 32 bit flag is cleared. It is if the build is done through VBPro that 32 bit flag is set. I'll list off the obvious settings that I have.

In VBPro:
- Configuration - Release|Any Cpu

In Visual Basic Project File
- Platform - Active(Any Cpu)
- Under Advanced Compile Options, Target CPU - AnyCPU

By the way I'm using "Corflags" to determine if the 32 bit flag is set on the dll.

Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong in VBPro. I'm using VBPro 6.2a
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