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Old 05-11-2011, 11:22 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Originally Posted by martijntonies View Post
Right, now I see what "rsvars" is about, I didn't know that.

I checked the Help for a Delphi step, but couldn't find anything related to other Delphi versions on the first Help page there. Can I suggest you put a paragraph "Compiling with a different Delphi version" in it that points to the rsvars setting with a short explanation?
Will do.

Few more questions:

It seems that the Delphi step cannot find build configurations in the project file for D2007, is that a known issue?
Please ZIP and send or post a problem project file.

Can I do that rsvars thingy for the whole project so that I do not have to do it in every Delphi step?
No, but you could put it in a macro (i.e., D2007PATH) and reference that via %D2007PATH% in the Make Delphi actions. Save the attached project in your project folder and build to update all such actions (but you mentioned that some steps are for D2009, and this would update all steps).
Attached Files
File Type: bld UpdateDelphi.bld (3.1 KB, 1733 views)
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