I've just started using UltraRecall Pro, and have little time to peruse the instruction set at the moment - deadlines loometh.
I tried a quick search in the help file, but nothing stood out.
Is there a way to automatically include the URL when drag and drop (d&d) a page or partial page? That is, if I copy, say, a paragraph from any given Web page, I need to capture also the URL of that page for reference, attribution, and so on. However, I don't see any way to do this w/o doing a 2nd d&d operation, which slows things down significantly. When working with InfoSelect, this can be configured to be done automatically, but I don't recognize anything in UltraRecall's configuration that would allow it.
I've prolly overlooked it in my haste, but things are getting a bit tight right now, timewise, and I just don't have time for a leisurely read
