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Old 07-21-2011, 11:09 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
If you specify a relative path (for instance Abc\MyLinkedFile.txt if the .urd file is at D:\MyFolder\test.urd and the .txt file is at D:\MyFolder\Abc\test.urd) in the URL attribute for the linked items, they will work correctly wherever the .urd file is located (as long as the linked files are kept in the same relative location). If the linked files are in the same folder or a sub-folder of the .urd file path, this relative path assignment is automatic when importing.

As mentioned by $bill, you could use SQLite to fix up absolute URLs. For instance, if the URLs of the linked items are like D:\MyFolder\Abc\MyLinkedFile.txt in the above example, this SQL statement would remove the absolute path and make them relative:

UPDATE ItemAttribute SET Value = Replace(Value, 'D:\MyFolder\', '') WHERE AttributeID = 996 AND Value LIKE 'D:\MyFolder\%';

See for more details.
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