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Old 11-10-2011, 11:35 AM
Nobodo Nobodo is online now
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Join Date: 08-19-2010
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Thanks for your response, Bill.

I'll try reinstalling IE9, and see if this problem still exists. If I keep seeing the problem I will use a competing product until this problem is resolved in UR. Since this same problem has been resolved in InfoQube, Pierre (dev of IQ) could probably be contacted to find out what the fix was. Software developers in general are very open about discussing fixes to breaking problems, and my impression is Pierre would do the same.

I'll keep your recommendations for ways to avoid the problem in mind. I do use F11 quite often to change between my two most often used window configurations, but still find the need to resize panels often depending on the data I'm looking at. I've been using UR since August of 2010, so am fairly set in my ways at this point but am willing to try new things. me an abend in a database application means the possibility of corrupted or lost data, so even if it is possible to 'gracefully exit' UR and restart it I really don't like taking that type of chance with my data. I know that SQLite supports transactions, but I really have no idea if every database update in UR is surrounded by a transaction to help enhance data safety, and besides there's no guarantee my latest changes made it to the database before an abend occurs.

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