Thread: VSphere usage
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Old 02-10-2012, 08:07 AM
avijit avijit is online now
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VSphere usage

Hi, I am new to VBP and need to know the usage of VSphere step. I have metioned the ESX server name, user, password but still when i am trying to power on a VM i am getting the 'The specified datastore is invalid' error. I can understand that there is some issue with the VM path that i have provided but i am not sure what i path it should be. I can access the VMWare ESX server using the VSphere client installed in my system and using the client i am see the VM path as [datastore1] WinXP_tmp\WinXP_tmpl.vmx. But when i am mentioning this as the VM path then i am always getting the same error. I need some help urgently. Thanks.
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