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Old 02-16-2012, 01:00 PM
saurabh saurabh is online now
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Join Date: 02-09-2012
Posts: 13
Here are my steps (full build)
1. Read VB6 proj name with its path from a file using loop action
----> 1a. Update reference for the %LOOP_VALUE% using a script
----> 1b. Compile %LOOP_VALUE% using Make VB6 action

And this is what I do for compiling projects individually
Copy 1a and 1b in the same VBP script. Replace %LOOP_VALUE% by the project name with its path and do the same what I have done above.

I'm not doing this in a different VBP script, rather in the same script.

DLL is created in both the cases. But in the latter case, the DLL produced has no issue. I did a diff between the two DLLs (of the same VB project) and found there are differences (hexadecimal differences). They got to be same, right. But they are different.
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