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Old 04-30-2012, 06:28 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
If you're doing a non-incremental, non-recursive copy, aren't excluding any files, and the files listed to be copied are all filenames and not wildcards or folders, you could use script code like this in the step's vbld_StepDone script event to fail if the copy count doesn't match the filename count:

Sub vbld_StepDone()
  ' fail the step if the number of files to be included does not match the number of files copied
  If UBound(Split(Step.Property("Ext"), vbCrLf))+1 <> vbld_TempMacros()("COPYFILES_COPY_COUNT") Then
    Builder.LogMessage2 "Number of copied files does not match list of files to copy", vbldLogLevelError
    Step.BuildStatus = vbldStepStatFailed
  End If
End Sub
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