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Old 06-16-2012, 02:41 PM
wordmuse wordmuse is online now
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Join Date: 10-11-2006
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it's too bad...

07-22-2008, 11:14 PM
wordmuse wordmuse is online now
Registered User

upcoming keywords pane
From the roadmap I see that a Keywords Pane is in future plans. I'd like to ask that you take a look at Evernote 3's use of KWs. Nearly perfect for my use. What I'd like to see in URP3's KW pane is:

I can't believe I made that post almost 4 years ago. It was high on the road map.
Enhanced calendar pane
Keywords pane / tagging improvements
Add columns to Data Explorer pane

An enhanced keywords pane with tagging improvements was probably THE feature I was most looking forward to. I checked back at frequently over this period, looking for this. Had Kinook not put it high on the roadmap, I wouldn't be caring as much, but what a letdown. Now I know what an "entitlement mentality" feels like from the inside. After all, Kinook had no contractual requirement to provide it. This is just mismanaged expectations. And, of course, it remains a 1st world problem. But the kid in me is disappointed, and the parent in me is saying, "There there, why don't you learn to be a developer or go see what else is out there instead of complaining?"

Well - I'm not going to become a developer, but the seeing what else is out there? Good idea...
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