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Old 12-20-2004, 07:20 PM
gqmaxim gqmaxim is online now
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Join Date: 12-20-2004
Posts: 3
Question Integrated File Explorer


First of all: Thanks for developing this fantastic product!

I have a question:

Could you make it possible to browse external files from within Ultra Recall??? My point is that I don't want to leave UR, and have to open explorer to drag&drop files into UR!

I want to be able to browse the files on my c: (and d: etc) DIRECTLY from within UR, and then decide if I want to import the file into UR-Database, or just link to it.

Another solution could be to make it possible to sync folder content. That way I could add files to a linked folder (eg "My Documents"), press "Sync" and the files (or the a link to the files" became available in UR.

Today, if you link to a folder, and later add files to that folder - they wont appear in UR unless you drag&drop or import them. This could be solved with the sync.

Best regards,

Last edited by gqmaxim; 12-20-2004 at 10:11 PM.
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