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Old 11-09-2012, 12:30 PM
schferk schferk is online now
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12. If really an external file spans two such second-level main headings of your stuff, put it into it's "natural" context = sub-folder, and create a copy or clone in its secondary context - but also, if the file is called "afile.pdf", rename it "afile(inPetsAndAssurances).pdf", so that on any further moving / changes in grouping will easily remember if you do must do anything about your current storing of this file or not; the same goes for any file names that you want to preserve in their original, but that ain't "speaking" enough: just rename them "originalfilename(RealContent).extension", and you have your cake and eat it though: Preservation of the original name AND knowing what the file is about, without having to open it, a week, a month, or years later.

13. So, in your intermediate UR structure (= within your UR "private" structure, you must KNOW which entries there are links to "specific" (not files in your case, but) detailed substructes, and which entries are just items there, in order to remind you of something, or substructures of current work there, or anything else. My solution, as said, is that "initial dot" encoding, which is checked by any , macro I might trigger, and processed accordingly. For other special entries, you could use initial semicoli, or whatever char you will not use as leading char in normal contexts.

(In my case, it's not only the leading dot, but also, since I use my very special encoding system, not "", but "", for "Private - Pet", my macros also check for the very first SPACE in such special "dot leading" entries, i.e. my entries here would not be "", but would be " - Pet" in order to remind me of the meaning of such entries whenever I don't access them but rarely. - But the opened file would be "", and the opened sub-folder would be "allmythings\p\p" - that's one of the beauties of my system: The very first char (after the dot) "tells" my script which is the name of the intermediate folder...)

14. Also, you should know which such entry is "just" a special file / subtree, and which are the ones where you also have got external stuff, i.e. which ones also correspond to a sub-folder. In my system, I simply use bold formatting of these last entries (and indeed, most of these ARE bold-formatted, rare are my AO files without a corresponding sub-folder for external material); since UR does not allow for formatting entries, just use special flags.

15. You will certainly not be astonished if I say that of course, UR should allow for such an intermediate structure, e.g. in tab 1, that does OPEN such "." items in further tabs, but that does NOT FOLLOW any expansion / collapsing you'll do within these further tabs, and which it unfortunately currently always DOES.



UR pretends, the search of the ultimate IM system has come to an end, with your coming across UR; that's wrong: UR will indeed be the ultimate such system the day it'll integrate such an intermediate system as described here, including the demand set up in I f) 15 (AND when the "homework" as defined by me in my posts above will have been done, that is). It's simply necessary that an IM systems offer a superstructure, and it's worthwile to have EXPLAINED its use to you, finally.


UR is the ONLY such system (within this group of systems that don't cost many thousands of dollars) of my knowledge that offers a viable transition from "just one lone single user" to effective group work. That's why I hope UR will come to see that the fulfilling of my demands will push UR into a class of its own, justifying any development work I'm asking for.

That's why I'm writing here, and not in an MI forum, e.g. As for the competition, there's IQ, which lately, in the outlinersoftware forum, got exactly that kind of negative impression that I'd got without first buying, and that always had put me off from that sw not living up to its promises. NO such promise is fulfilled anywhere, for the time being, and certainly not by TheBrain, far from it.

UR is closest, and with some efforts, could become what a program like AS had been in the Nineties, something really great.

That's a challenge kinook would be very well advised to take up.

I'm willing to give advice, contacting me is easy: (fr is for Fred).

And if it's worthwile, I'm willing to share my scripts and to develop further ones.

Getting my stuff back into UR would be a thing of some minutes (getting it back into AO was the problem, not the other way round) - but as it currently is, I'm not updating to version 5, even though I'd be more than pleased to do so in the future, when UR becomes as outstanding as it should have been a long time ago.
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