Thread: Creating views
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Old 12-29-2004, 04:53 PM
prf5 prf5 is online now
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Join Date: 12-13-2004
Posts: 10
Thanks, but saved searches isn't quite what I am looking for. Search results appear in a "related items" pane. They can be sorted, but sorting is not built into the query, so the sort I get is the last one I used, not the one I want for the current search. Likewise, I can choose which fields are displayed, but these settings are global.

The search results pane doesn't have a categorical scheme or hierarchy like the Data Explorer. What I'm looking for is a means of creating data explorer views, and a ready means of indicating how the data explorer has been restricted.

While I'm at it, the advanced search allows simple boolean connections, but statements can't be nested. So, I can't search for (statement 1 and statement 2) or (statement 1 and statement 3 but not statement 2). Since the search box is surely only a graphical representation of a query syntax, it would be very handy if I had a way of entering the syntax directly.

Thanks for your assistance.

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