Thread: Creating views
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Old 12-29-2004, 05:08 PM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-27-2003
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You can include the Hierarchy attribute as a column in the search results to show the tree structure (although search results can't be expanded/collapsed). Also, the fields chosen for display for a saved Search are specific to that saved Search and are not global.

Your second comment about limited boolean search logic is not accurate as you can indeed nest advanced search criteria using indenting. Each level of indenting is analogous to being within paranthesis (they are grouped as you described). Perhaps the documentation needs to be more clear on this capability.

Regarding your request for hierarchical filtering: if you could see a 'filtered' Data Explorer Pane, what would it show? All items that matched the criteria and all of their children? What would the matched items be parented to? I can't quite imagine how to filter a hierarchical tree with some data missing... Would all the parents (and children) of matched items be displayed and exclude any 'branches of data' (from the root item) that have no matches within? Please elaborate on your suggestion...
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