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Old 01-04-2005, 09:45 AM
rollbackfs rollbackfs is online now
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Join Date: 01-04-2005
Posts: 4
Replace In File Problem

I'm trying to use a "Replace In File" action to replace a string inside a text file, however VisualBuild doesn't seem able to find the string. In fact, if I choose to append text if no match was found, the text doesnt get appended. Instead I get a couple of rectangular boxes where the text should have been appended.

The file that I'm trying to replace into is the String1033.txt, which is used by an InstallShield installer. I'm trying to modify that file when VisualBuild runs so that the ProductVersion of the installer matches the build version of the rest of my applications.

I'm attaching the file that I'm trying to do the find and replace to, to see if anyone can help.

Attached Files
File Type: zip (342 Bytes, 1837 views)
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