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Old 01-06-2005, 07:28 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: Macros/API inside and outside Ultra Recall

Originally posted by lerognon

This is a great product. I'd like to know if you plan to have macro/API capabilities?

I mean:
- inside the text editor of the product, provide the capability to write little macro to paste standard snippets of text or even do a little formatting
- potentially later I guess, automate modifications accross several nodes. For example build a macro which would modify in all nodes under a given directory a given piece of text by another
This is the first request we've had, but making the app scriptable would be useful, and we'll consider it for a future release.

- from outside the product I'd like to acces the database in order to query it or to add/remove data into it
Providing a way to automate querying the database is on our list, not sure if data modification will also be possible. You can automate importing documents via the command-line flags:

And a little one: can we insert with a keyboard shortcut the current date+time in a text note. This is very handy for a logbook.
This is a good suggestion. Right now, you can paste the date via Alt+C, Enter, but we'll see about supporting date+time as well.
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