Thread: Creating views
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Old 01-10-2005, 05:17 PM
xja xja is online now
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Originally posted by kevina
Regarding your request for hierarchical filtering: if you could see a 'filtered' Data Explorer Pane, what would it show? All items that matched the criteria and all of their children? What would the matched items be parented to? I can't quite imagine how to filter a hierarchical tree with some data missing... Would all the parents (and children) of matched items be displayed and exclude any 'branches of data' (from the root item) that have no matches within? Please elaborate on your suggestion...
I would LOVE a feature that did exactly that. To be more specific, for all matched items, show the item and all ancestors (parents, grandparents, etc) expanded, and have the item's children in the tree, but collapsed. Hide all branches that don't contain a matched item.

Alternatively (not as good but maybe simpler), you could just expand all and then collapse all branches that don't contain a matched item.

This would be handy if I wanted to see a hierarchical view that shows all incomplete Tasks but don't want to be distracted by all the other items in the tree. Or show all emails hierarchically. etc. Basically it is like a regular Search, except it shows the matched items organized by their hierarchy.
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