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Old 03-28-2017, 09:18 AM
cnewtonne cnewtonne is online now
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Join Date: 07-27-2006
Posts: 534
For my use case, I have urd files on Dropbox, but the library containing linked files e.g. pdfs, worksheets, resides on Google drive (cheaper). Dropbox sync is the best because it does incremental sync vs. full file sync like Google or Ondrive.

I you are in a similar situation, use Windows symbolic links to link into UR. Then create these same links on all other machines.

Creating such links inside Dropbox is not an option because it will sync not only the link, but all folders/files pointed to by the link.

cd C:\app\fh_ur_links
mklink /D fh_dbox "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox"
mklink /D fh_gdrive "%USERPROFILE%\Google Drive"
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