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Old 01-05-2019, 09:57 AM
Jon Polish Jon Polish is online now
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Join Date: 07-21-2006
Posts: 391
Yes, I understand that videos are not copied. That page was a bad example. The problem I am having is that all images from all other pages containing images are not being copied. They display only as placeholders. Other programs I use have had this problem and upon reporting this to the developer, they were able to fix it. In addition to idiosyncrasies on the website, would this have anything to do with my version of IE? I never use it and have never updated it. If this is an IE problem, then my question is why? I am copying from Firefox, not IE. I would prefer not updating IE because, aside from this issue, everything is working perfectly on my computer and I don't want to deal with IE breaking anything.

Thank you for your help with this.
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