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Old 01-20-2005, 01:47 AM
Will Eatherton Will Eatherton is online now
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Join Date: 01-14-2005
Posts: 17
I don't have too much to reply since pretty much everything was on your todo list already. Couple followups

* On performance of cut&paste it is not for simple text but on web page links (which you explain is related to keywords) and documents. I guess compared to apps line onenote the lag for MB docs is due to pushing into your single file Vs simple copying into a directory. I will live with it.

* After another week of use I remove my priority 3 request for personal brain type viewer (add-on) to visualize parent/child/sibling relationships. It woudl be nice but the parent/child windows you have actually work pretty well.

* A new issue I have noted in past week is that in text mode the support for bullets and promotion/demotion seems pretty weak (I am a heavy bullet user). I guess the request for in general a bit fancier outlining is along lines of what I think I have seen in some other posts.

* A final thought. I don't know how good the PIM business is, but if the upgrades are interesting I would happily pay 50-100 each year for notable revision upgrades. I paid $100 for oneNote and it had much less overall functionality then UR today (but better outlining at this point) and I am sure you will overtake them in next year. I am very much hoping you guys get good traction with UR and our proprietary databases don't become obselete !!
-- Can you give us any input on how things are going so far with user base ?
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