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Old 01-20-2005, 10:10 AM
ExtraLean ExtraLean is online now
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Join Date: 01-19-2005
Posts: 46
Re: Highlighting found items

Originally posted by vamp07
Any chance we could get the program to highlight in the viewer occurrences of the search term? Something along the lines of what Infoselect does.
I was *just* thinking the same thing... it would also be nice if the search results weren't "hidden" after I double-click on one of them. The search results pane turns into the "Child Items" pane. It would be nice, for example, if these were separate panes so that I could dock the serach results elsewhere and refer to them until I don't need them anymore.

It would also be nice if performing a search would activate the "Find Next" feature so that pressing F3 would jump to the newly searched for term/phrase. Currently, if all you do is perform a Search (Ctrl+F), (without actually doing a Find in Item (Ctrl+Shift+F)) the F3 key doesn't work. The exception being that you've already "activated" the Find Next by already performing a Find in Item, but then it searches for the term that I'm not interested in anymore. Basically, performing a Search should set the Find Next term if it is empty, or replace the one that is there if it is not empty. This is standard to how most other apps behave (developer IDEs, etc.).

One last suggestion. After performing a search, the "Item Details" window requires focus before anything can be done with the keyboard. (I.e, the Find in Item, Find Next, and Replace... menu items are disabled until I manually click on the main item window.) Couldn't the keyboard shortcuts and menu items for these (and possibly others?) just *work* regardless if that window has the focus or not? Whether I've just performed a search, or even clicked on an item in the Data Explorer Tree Ctrl+Shift+F doesn't invoke the Find dialog for the selected item in the tree.

Last edited by ExtraLean; 01-20-2005 at 10:19 AM.
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