UR crashes
I have been using UR for long and my current version is 6.1. I am using Windows 10.
I really want to keep using it, but more and more I am complaining about UR crash. I do not have a good pattern to describe. Usually when I try to do something (add a new line to a document in today's case), it crashes. The document text is not new, I am just adding a line to it and I have been updating it many times, now today three times in a row when I try to add a line, it closes. open, do the same thing, close. Three times. Now I am not editing that document. This is just one example. It happened other times with probably different scenarios. A workaround is that once that happen, I go to delete that document directly and save. then I can keep using.
But, this really bothers me. I couldn't just share the whole file to you to debug. It's huge and contains personal information. So I really don't have good example to provide for you to troubleshoot.