Thread: UR crashes
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Old 08-25-2020, 11:43 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Originally Posted by yfuser View Post
Thanks for the info!

I only used table feature little in UR, mostly I use it to store text inputs, web pages and PDF files. I don't have crash in early years (before 2015), but it becomes more and more in last three years.
Nothing has changed in UR regarding text editing, this must have something to do with the version of the rich edit control you're using and/or updates to Windows. Which version of Windows are you running?

In addition to crash on text editor, today is another scenario, whenever I mouse click on an item on the tree, it is not responding. My guess is it has to do with some data in the documents.
Can you pare this down to something you can send to us to investigate?
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