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Old 09-16-2020, 10:12 AM
cnewtonne cnewtonne is online now
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Join Date: 07-27-2006
Posts: 534
Database is locked when editing external documents

To get advanced editing features e.g. tables, I started using MSWord to open stored .docx files externally writable.

I noticed on at least 5 occasions at some point in time after keeping the doc open externally, I get a dialogue box 'Database is locked'. Hitting OK returns another message 'Error saving item: Access violation. Exception ...'. Hitting OK does not crash UR. I'm able to continue working with it.

I was not able to reproduce the AV error, but it seems to happen after a set number of minutes having the external doc open.

The urd file is stored on Dropbox and I can guarantee there are no other UR instance having this file open. Furthermore, I always run one instance of UR.

1. Why is DB locked in the above scenario?
2. If 'database is locked' not an error, simply informational, why is UR crashing with an AV error afterwards?

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