Thread: full export
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Old 01-20-2005, 03:06 PM
lena lena is online now
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Join Date: 01-19-2005
Posts: 18
Originally posted by kinook
We recognize the need to allow users to migrate their data if and when necessary, and enhancements to both import and export functionality will be a focus of the next release of UR.
That's good to know.

However, there is no standard format or schema that can express all of the data, metadata, and relationships that can be created and managed in UR, nor is there any application that offers all of its capabilities and could meaningfully import such a document if it existed.
Of course, I totally understand. But if at least most of my data would be in an open format, I could do something with it. If it were HTML I could read it in any browser, if it were XML I could build a little something to transform it to something usable enough for me.

For me, it would be good enough if logic links were simply treated as copies, just like you do now with the export to RTF files. I would very much like one document though (and I much prefer HTML over RTF). I do understand the difficulties with making a great export option, but I hope this will not refrain you from making a good export option.

I am glad to see that you do take this issue seriously and that you do not have a secret plan to lock me in.

Best regards,
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