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Old 01-20-2005, 04:58 PM
dprice dprice is online now
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Join Date: 01-19-2005
Posts: 13
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The VSS history to log is now working, but not the step of injecting the history into build log.

In my case, here's the VSS additional command-line:
-O&%PROJDIR%\F6TesTDotNetPort.root\F6TesTDotNetPort \%BUILD_HISTORY_LOG%

In the Script Editor Step tab, I have this:
Function vbld_StepDone()
If vbld_FSO.FileExists("%PROJDIR%\ ot\F6TesTDotNetPort\%BUILD_HISTORY_LOG%") Then
Builder.LogMessage vbld_GetFileContents("%%PROJDIR%\F6TesTDotNetPort. root\F6TesTDotNetPort\%BUILD_HISTORY_LOG%")
End If
End Function

Any idea why it's not firing the StepDone call?

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