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Old 01-20-2005, 08:36 PM
JeffK JeffK is online now
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Join Date: 01-07-2005
Posts: 13
Importing favorites - speed and other issues

I trust this has not been dealt with on the forum before.

I purchased UR and got all excited about importing my 500+ IE favorites. After two hours it was still going. I then realised it was indexing each site and when it found a dead link it was taking quite a while to move to the next one. So I said I won't wait any longer I'll cancel, get rid of the dead links and start again. When I cancelled I lost all the stuff imported to date.

So here are my suggestions:-

Keep the imports done up to the time the cancel is pressed. This way the user has a choice about what to do with the downloaded links.

Provide an option where the user can import links without UR indexing them. Then the user can index one or more links at a later time.

There may already ways of doing the above so please point me in the right direction.

Excellent application.


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