For anybody interested in the original problem, I have just uploaded a detailed info to Kinook.
Also, pls, do not post any more unrelated topics in this thread. It makes it difficult to navigate for anybody searching the forum. (see

Update from customer 10/11/2021:
I tried a different approach to using two databases. I no longer autostart Ultra Recall with Windows and both databases loaded. Instead, I open any of the two databases as needed using AutoHotkey and a kind of "C:\Program Files\Ultra Recall\UltraRecall.exe d:\database.urd" command. When either database or both of them is open this way, there is no freezing. Although this started as a workaround I have actually found working this way to be more satisfactory for me than the autostart and following clicking on an appropriate icon. That is why I no longer consider the reported bug to be an issue for me.