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Old 01-21-2005, 10:49 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
We could provide an option of keeping completed items when cancelling, but the problem with that is there's no easy way to pick up right where you cancelled.

Some things you can do to speed up importing of web pages / favorites:

1) To import web pages without keywording them, remove .html from 'Tools | Options | Import | File extensions to keyword'

This will save the time taken parsing the page for keywords and adding them to UR. But even with this turned off, UR will still access the web site to look for the site icon and to retrieve part of the page for potential summary information (a web page won't have any, but files like images and Word documents could, and it doesn't know what type of document it is without checking). We should probably add an option on the Import wizard to completely bypass retrieval of icons, keywords, summary info, etc. (to allow importing the URL itself without any retrieval at all).

2) To decrease the delay in processing dead links, decrease the timeout values at Tools | Option | Import (More)
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