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Old 12-09-2021, 11:50 AM
Spliff Spliff is online now
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Join Date: 04-07-2021
Posts: 210
Thank you so much, Kyle, that does it!

Also, the "Lineage" attribute (in the file system, we would call it "path") is the solution to what I had mentioned: an indication of the respective "top" parent item(s), in order to "position" the search results: this is EXTREMELY HELPFUL (even without the correct tree order, but all the more so, of course, with it) for my problem 1) above.

EDIT: Sorry for bothering you with the "Flag" problem, I was fortunately able to delete the thread within minutes; here again, I fell in the trap of the "Flag" attribute not being "checked" in the "Tools - Options - Attributes" list; I have now checked ALL system attributes in that dialogue, in order to not encounter a similar problem some months in the future (my memory is failing...).

Above, I had mentioned the length of the attributes-list to browse, in order to get to the system attributes, within the Choose Columns dialogue of the Related Items Pane; the real "problem" in there being that the "Collapse All" setting in there is NOT persistent, so that every time, I either have to click on the button (which I systematically miss to do for whatever reason), or then have to scroll the list again...

That's a very minor "problem" remaining though; thank you so much again for your very kind help, Kyle!

Last edited by Spliff; 12-09-2021 at 12:29 PM.
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