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Old 12-25-2021, 08:21 AM
Spliff Spliff is online now
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Join Date: 04-07-2021
Posts: 212
Attributes management in general (and of icons in particular)

1. Also from the help, I don't understand the respective uses of Tools - Attributes, and Tools - Options - Attributes.

2. For formatting the entries in the tree, I very extensively use flags (without displaying the flags themselves), together with their functionality to format the "flagged" entry's text appearance; in some cases though, I additionally want to change the entry's icon, icons being displayed all the time.

Now I don't find any quick way to do that, and in particular, there is no special dialogue "change icon" or the like; not wanting to display the "Item Attributes pane" all the time, I thus have to display them, have to change the icon in there, manually, from a big list with the mouse (I just need a single other icon than the standard "text item" icon), have to press Enter, and have to close the "Item Attributes" dialogue again, which is really unwieldy; a macro would be possible but somewhat unreliable since it would need mouseclicks, in order to access the "Icon" entry to begin with.

Have I overlooked a more "direct" way for changing the icon of the current tree entry, or could you consider to make any icon change easier than it currently is, perhaps just for changing the current (standard or whatever) icon to just ONE, pre-selected "target" icon, instead of browsing an extensive list each time?

(To say it all, I use the "folder" icon for any entry having a corresponding file system folder, for additional content.)
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