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Old 12-28-2021, 04:16 PM
Spliff Spliff is online now
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Join Date: 04-07-2021
Posts: 212
Attributes management in general (and of icons in particular)

Sorry, I inadvertently posted this in "Suggestions", so I didn't get any reaction.

Unfortunately, the problems I have with attributes and "columns" are multiplying.

1. Also from the help, I don't understand the respective uses of Tools - Attributes, and Tools - Options - Attributes.

2. [For formatting the entries in the tree... (see in "Suggestions).]
Have I overlooked a more "direct" way for changing the icon of the current tree entry, or could you consider to make any icon change easier than it currently is, perhaps just for changing the current (standard or whatever) icon to just ONE, pre-selected "target" icon, instead of browsing an extensive list each time?

3. Even more problems: My "columns" settings VANISH. (see number 1, perhaps I don't do something right)

I understand I must set the "columns" for each database, one-by-one (that's not so easy for about 30 databases), but of course, I'd then expect my settings to remain persistent for each database, separately.

One of the things I don't understand, is why in "Templates - Search", "Choose Columns" is greyed-out; this does not seem to be logical to me, since I want to set a persistent column display for all searches within that database.

Thus, I set them after doing a search, and when the "Search Results" pane has been populated by results.

Now, doing another search, within the same database, and without switching to any other database, these settings are GONE, and I'm back to some ancient "default" setting, just the item titles, and without lineage, tree order and flags.

I speak of the very next search here, just some seconds after the previous one, not even of a search after closing down the program and reopening it. Do I really have to select the whole tree (30,000 items), and then set the "columns" for them all, and then they will be persistent for searches, within that database?

After about 9 months now with UR, and more than 300,000 items in it (import cost me a month though), I can firmly say that I'm very pleased with the basic functionality of UR, including search: immediate results for any search, even in DB's with 30,000 or 50,000 items. It's just the "settings' user-interface" which costs me, again and again, so much time and nerves, I would like so much to do my settings, and then have "smooth operation".

Please help by explaining these attributes / columns problems!
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