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Old 12-29-2021, 12:50 AM
Spliff Spliff is online now
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Join Date: 04-07-2021
Posts: 212
Thank you for your kind reply, Kyle!


That's understood. I had just thought that a distinct routine, to be implemented for that purpose, could override it, but that would then be specific for icons, and then for a pre-selected icon, pre-selected by the user: 1) user sets such an icon as their "target" one, from the icons list, in a special dialogue, under "Tools", just as for "Flags" in there (i.e. scope, as for "Flags", the current DB (I personally would prefer it for US in general, but that is just me); 2) shortcut (shortkey) for changing the current icon to that pre-set "target" one, for the current item.

Alternative (much simpler to implement indeed): 1-key for the icons-drop-down-list, i.e. avoiding to open it from the attributes pane (with all the fuss which accompanies the latter way, described over there).

In this respect: 1-key (or key-combi) shortcuts are available for all 6/7 flags, even one-by-one, but neither for one special icon, nor for the drop-down to quickly choose an icon from (then, a reliable macro would be possible: 1) open the drop-down; 2) send {home} to get to the very first item, and send {down} "n" times, in order to get to the icon in question; 3) send {enter}; or more easily: the drop-down would remember its last choice, then: 1) open the drop-down, 2) send {enter} (if the user always uses this drop-down for the very same icon).


I fully understand your "no columns visible yet" argument, and for then arranging the columns, without them being visible yet, that would technically not be possible yet, I had overlooked this aspect indeed. But my argument - selecting the columns from the list already - was motivated by my wanting to be certain about scope, i.e. "default for the DB in question" (as for the other "Templates" in each DB). See my "scope" thread.


(i.e. "Search" columns not even persistent for the very next search within the same DB, without doing anything else in-between)

I'm positive about it, would never invent anything and wrote my question immediately after having seen it, so error on my side excluded. On the other hand, and if it's not a (not-recurring) "bug", the SCOPE problem might have played into it (can't remember this early morning, was late in the evening): Me second search (where the columns were lost again) might have been without "Limit search to selected item", whilst I might have done the column settings with that check-button checked, or vice versa. (This morning, and for the same DB, it's different again, but that might come from my not correctly closing my DBs in-between, see my SCOPE thread.)
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