Thread: Tiny import bug
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Old 05-17-2022, 10:25 AM
Spliff Spliff is online now
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Join Date: 04-07-2021
Posts: 212
Thank you for having checked. For me, it didn't and doesn't work though, neither for 1 blank line, nor for 2, etc., blank lines are not recognized as divider; I have now created a new file, in an editor, with no blank lines, then I have put RETURNS before the digits, in order to get 6 sub items under my UR target "Importtrial"; I just get 1 sub-item, with the full text, instead of 6, with the chunks each.

Text or rich text RTF
file to import: path, Delimiter: Blank Lines 1
Where: Selected item > Finish

I checked the attached EmEditor file for \r\n\r\n, and got the blank lines ("Escape Sequence yes") as search hits; as said, it's in the form I imported it into UR > 1 sub-item, not 6.


Your file imported correctly in my UR file / item, whilst mine didn't / doesn't; mine is a realistic one though, with "content" between the titles, yours is just some titles separating the blank lines; in EmEditor, your blank lines identified as \r\n\r\n, just like in my text.

Please tell me if my text imported correctly into your UR file; if not, why might that be?

(Always speaking of the above import into a default, native ("factory") "Text" item (i.e. plain-text into an rtf content field).)
Attached Files
File Type: txt import1.txt (4.0 KB, 1635 views)

Last edited by Spliff; 05-17-2022 at 11:47 AM.
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