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Old 06-22-2022, 03:34 AM
Spliff Spliff is online now
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Join Date: 04-07-2021
Posts: 212
Thank you very much, Kyle, for this valuable information, so the "1252" that I read in the urd file "headers" (i.e. quite near to the "top" of the files' binary text) are not to be considered.

So it's clarified then, and sqlite3.exe's clipboard problem seems to be unresolvable, but that's not a real problem after all, and the way to go is:

- by sqlite3.exe, write the select output to file
- read (by AutoHotkey or similar) that file into clipboard or into variable

- do the necessary transformations (e.g. regexreplace for the itemtitle "column") in there (by AHK or else within the var)
- ditto in there (or in a second var, for better checking), transform the result lines into the necessary SQL code ("update tablename...") for sqlite3.exe to execute that

- write that SQL code into a file
(- check that file, create the necessary UR COPY at least now...)
- have sqlite3.exe read and execute that file content (.read filename) (onto the UR COPY...!)

Thank you so much again, Kyle, you've been of tremendous help!

(And obviously, the "there is no such table" error messages by sqlite3.exe I had reported here some weeks ago, must have been caused by the above-mentioned problem of the sqlite.exe ".open filename" command just creating a new, empty file (and without that table then indeed), when you make any typo or don't also enter the suffix, i.e. there is no "there is no such file, create it?" message from slite3.exe then, so you try to work upon an empty file then...)
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