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Old 01-21-2005, 01:46 PM
lena lena is online now
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Join Date: 01-19-2005
Posts: 18
How do you use UR?

I am interested to learn how you use UR. Do you make a new database for everything, or do you have one big file with everything in it? How do you decide to where to put stuff?

I am used to use one big file for this kind of program, but I notice that I put so much in UR, that that becomes huge very quickly. But if I make a new file for everything, I cannot interlink everything as nicely, and there would be a possibility that I wonder where I stored something, if I have lots of UR files around.

And of course, if you do any neat things with UR, could you post it to the User Tricks, Tips and Samples forum? I think that is very useful for the less creative users of the software, like myself
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