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Old 01-24-2023, 11:00 PM
GoGoJoe GoGoJoe is online now
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Join Date: 05-12-2020
Posts: 10
Thank You Kinook Software.

Kinook quickly took a look at my problem. It was just some confusion on my part.

Here are some hints that he gave me. Kinook told me in part the following:

You can use Item | Open Document or Ctrl+J for either one to open/edit externally.

UR was able to parse text content from the TextPage01 document (see shot3), which is why it is displaying that in the Item Details pane.

If you don't want that to happen, add .pdf to 'Tools | Options | Documents | File extensions to edit/view externally'.

The reason the title on the Graphics document was changed was because it has a title defined (while the Text one didn't), which UR used for the item title. See shot4 and shot5.

If you don't want that to happen, uncheck 'Tools | Options | Import (More) | File Import | Use document title for item title if available' before importing.
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