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Old 02-08-2023, 08:28 AM
cnewtonne cnewtonne is online now
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Join Date: 07-27-2006
Posts: 534
There is always complexity behind what seems so simple i.e. rendering HTML. Did not know that.

Mobile devices and OS's are now desktop-level computing devices. Having an always-on access to my work regardless of the device has become the top feature in all modern apps. Hence, the move towards the use of web technologies and frameworks i.e. Electron and Chromium components. Arguably, at the expense of performance and losing on native OS integrations.

To make UR available anytime, the best solution I've found was to use MS Azure cloud compute instance and connecting to it using remote rdp client. Worked really well, but these compute instance are not cheap. It would cost around $120/month. I may have to use one on my local home network with access from the internet via a firewall.

Thanks for taking the time to enlighten us.
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