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Old 01-21-2005, 02:00 PM
ExtraLean ExtraLean is online now
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Join Date: 01-19-2005
Posts: 46
Re: How do you use UR?

Originally posted by lena
I am used to use one big file for this kind of program, but I notice that I put so much in UR, that that becomes huge very quickly. But if I make a new file for everything, I cannot interlink everything as nicely, and there would be a possibility that I wonder where I stored something, if I have lots of UR files around.
Still new to the whole KB scene myself, so I don't have a direct answer to your question. However, I noticed that my database grew to be quite large too, and only after some time did I notice the "Compact and Repair" option on the Tools menu. This made a considerable difference in the file size. Perhaps you've already used this but thought I'd mention it just in case you hadn't run into it yet...

Regarding the Compact and Repair feature, are there any plans to offer the ability to automatically compact? Perhaps on exit, or scheduled, or...
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