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Old 03-01-2023, 09:58 PM
kinook kinook is online now
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To locate Team Foundation w/ VS 2022, Visual Build

1) Attempts to load the VS binary registry file by
a) Looking for <CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA>\Microsoft\VisualStudio\17.0_ *\privateregistry.bin
b) Opening the file (but this will fail if VS is running due to file in use)
c) Looking in the registry file for SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\17.0_<key>\Config\ InstallDir
and using if found

If that fails,
2) Look in common known install locations for
a) <CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES>\Microsoft Visual Studio\17.0\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\
b) <CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES>\Microsoft Visual Studio\17.0\Professional\Common7\IDE\
c) <CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES>\Microsoft Visual Studio\17.0\Community\Common7\IDE\

3) if found, uses the path combined with
a) CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\tf.exe
b) tf.exe
and uses if found

You could also use the Visual Build object model to update the Exe step property for all Team Foundation actions in your project to the correct path. See attached (right-click on the Script step and Rebuild Selected).
Attached Files
File Type: bld vs.bld (1.4 KB, 3122 views)
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