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Old 01-21-2005, 03:38 PM
vamp07 vamp07 is online now
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Join Date: 01-05-2005
Posts: 38
I'm not sold on using UR to index external content. For that I use X1 which is wonderful. I guess if it is something I am using frequently I might start managing it from within UR but the ability to search is really useful when it helps you find things you may have forgotten about. Since UR only indexes what you told it to manage in the first place it might not find what you are looking for. I think UR's approach is great and if I'm looking for something that I know I am managing from within UR I'll use UR but if I am not sure the first tool I will use is X1 or google desktop or MSN desktop or copernic desktop etc etc etc...

I do think that URs ability to index web pages that you have added to the outline regardless of if you chose to keep a copy is really awesome and will definitely come in handy. One of those things I always wished IS would do but it never did.

Originally posted by JeffK
vamp07, how do you rate the ability to index documents eg Word, Excel etc. Even though IS has very fast search it is more work to get the data in there in the first place, is it not.

What about UR's ability to index webpages for fast search later. Much more functional than IS?

Hope your Epiphany continues. Your posts are very thought provoking.


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