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Old 05-07-2023, 10:49 AM
Spliff Spliff is online now
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Join Date: 04-07-2021
Posts: 210
Yes, the "totally correct" wordings would possibly be
Select (incl. Descendants) [since, thankfully, the parent item is included], and
Select All Siblings [instead of Select All]

But you have done tremendous work these last months, all in more or less "little things", technically speaking, but which "make all the difference" indeed, for smooth and productive working with a program.

Thank you so very much, Kyle!

(And fellow users should try the new "Tree - Show n levels" commands, and adopt them systematically, also, and especially, in their way of organizing their elements: their degree of organization will rise spectacularly, by masking non-pertinent "details" info whenever not needed (yet).)
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