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Old 05-15-2023, 07:07 AM
Spliff Spliff is online now
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Join Date: 04-07-2021
Posts: 212
In order to get correct, i.e. case-sensitive, xml export ("attrib: Item Text"), and considering that in my "workflow", including uppercase diacritics into the search results of lowercase diacritics, and vice versa, is not really important, I changed back the registry setting to ancient behavior, then did a new Compact-and-Repair (C&R), with FTS always enabled; this did NOT correct the new behavior for existant items (and in-between had not been "saved" in a dedicated way, 1-by-1, after edits of them)... and, those "repair" C&R had not taken so much time after all, so...

Thus, I now did an intermediate C&R, with FTS DIS-abled for the C&R, and aftwards, did the "real repair" C&R, with FTS-EN-abled now, and this was fully successful: all FTS, for old data as for new, is according to the registry setting now.

Btw, as expected, both the "disabled" C&R, and then the "enabled" C&R took a long time now each, and both reduced the db size by 20 and 19 p.c. each. - once "you" know how it's done correctly, no problem anymore whatsoever.

And, quite some UR registry settings could be very helpful, as db-specific settings / attributes: This is just one of them, but I also think of 1-line vs. multiline item display in the tree, and some others... - they all have in common that the "extra" setting is just - but then, yes! - useful in exceptional situations, whilst for most of the users' staff, just the "regular" setting is the "good" one, so if these settings had been db-specific, the user could "extract" their data into some "special" db, with those special settings. This being said, it's obvious that some of those settings could be made db-specific quite easily, whilst for others, this could become a real chore...

Thank you for the link update; I couldn't get it run, and now like my solution better, but that's just me.

It just occurred to me, re the (obvious) global scope of registry settings mentioned above:

Would it be possible to "de-install UR for all users" - I'm the only user anyway, to re-install it just for the main user, with "regular" registry settings... and then to install it to another user, created just for that, and with its own UR registry settings? That would be a viable "intermediate" solution, in order to get multi-line item title display in the tree ("Data Explorer") for just ONE UR db... instead of using another pc for that? (Or doing a virtual Windows installation, needing a second Windows license, on top of all the fuss that would imply?)

Last edited by Spliff; 05-15-2023 at 07:30 AM.
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